Quick Notes

Real things families said to me, # 2 & 3

A family of a terminally ill covid19 patient (who now has multi-organ failure on dialysis as well as bacterial lung infections on top of the damage done by the severe ARDS caused by the covid19 virus) asked that we call a doctor in Texas to discuss treatments with alien dna that could help. They were referring to “Trump’s doctor” Stella Immanuel who also swore by hydroxychloroquine, which is now disproven as a treatment for covid. One question: where do we get the alien dna?

Another family of a terminally ill patient (who also has multi-organ failure on dialysis plus more than 15 surgeries that started as a complex hernia repair at another facility) asked that we try a high dose cayenne pepper derivative to cleanse their loved ones blood and raise his blood pressure. I assured them that the medications he was on were much stronger than cayenne.