Quick Notes

Is this the covid vaccine we’ve been waiting for?

The same weekend that we finally got election results, we had good news about a covid vaccine as well. The phase 3 trials are showing 90% effectiveness against the virus, which is so much more that we expected.

The vaccine [by Pfizer and partner BioNTech] is the first to be tested in the United States to generate late-stage data. The companies said an early analysis of the results showed that individuals who received two injections of the vaccine three weeks apart experienced more than 90% fewer cases of symptomatic Covid-19 than those who received a placebo.

Read more at Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech is strongly effective, early data from large trial indicate


The twindemic is unfortunately real for the Bay Area

We have our first case of a patient infected with both covid and the flu!

Get your flu shots!!! Wear your masks & wash your hands! This is not the time to get lazy about stuff. Yes, we want to have family holidays and go out and socialize but y’all! Everywhere I go people are not masked except the service workers (you know “essential”). They deign to put on a mask to enter a store, but the certainly won’t give you six feet. I’m looking at you Marin County. San Francisco’s Marina District. Out here in the East Bay (NOT the Berkeley part), where all the essential workers live, we wear masks outside to talk to our neighbors. Like people who value human life and don’t want to kill each other.

Well, that escalated quickly.

Here’s a link t0 the twindemic / co-infection new article:

Quick Notes

Real things families said to me, # 2 & 3

A family of a terminally ill covid19 patient (who now has multi-organ failure on dialysis as well as bacterial lung infections on top of the damage done by the severe ARDS caused by the covid19 virus) asked that we call a doctor in Texas to discuss treatments with alien dna that could help. They were referring to “Trump’s doctor” Stella Immanuel who also swore by hydroxychloroquine, which is now disproven as a treatment for covid. One question: where do we get the alien dna?

Another family of a terminally ill patient (who also has multi-organ failure on dialysis plus more than 15 surgeries that started as a complex hernia repair at another facility) asked that we try a high dose cayenne pepper derivative to cleanse their loved ones blood and raise his blood pressure. I assured them that the medications he was on were much stronger than cayenne.


Covid Continues

We have as many covid+ patients now as we had in the initial surge. The problem is they’re just not getting better like the first surge did. We were part of the remdesivir trial early on, and now we’re giving per the compassionate use allowance of the FDA. We’re also using dexamethasone, as a trial has supported that, and convalescent plasma.

Proned, paralyzed, and praying for recovery…

But yet here we find ourselves, a young gentleman who after ALL these treatments is still not doing better. He’s still paralyzed and prone 16 hours a day, and now his kidneys are failing, requiring initiation of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT).

The battle is still real. And we are still fighting it.