We have our first case of a patient infected with both covid and the flu!
Get your flu shots!!! Wear your masks & wash your hands! This is not the time to get lazy about stuff. Yes, we want to have family holidays and go out and socialize but y’all! Everywhere I go people are not masked except the service workers (you know “essential”). They deign to put on a mask to enter a store, but the certainly won’t give you six feet. I’m looking at you Marin County. San Francisco’s Marina District. Out here in the East Bay (NOT the Berkeley part), where all the essential workers live, we wear masks outside to talk to our neighbors. Like people who value human life and don’t want to kill each other.
Well, that escalated quickly.
Here’s a link t0 the twindemic / co-infection new article: https://abc7news.com/health/1st-case-of-flu-covid-19-co-infection-confirmed-in-solano-co/7457101/